Southern Cross at Sea: Astrophotographer Shoots Stunning Image While on Ship

Southern Cross at Sea: Astrophotographer Shoots Stunning Image While on Ship

This wide angle of the Southern Cross was captured by Greg Redfern while aboard the Azamara Quest while she was underway in the Coral Sea-Great Barrier Reef.

Credit: Greg Redfern

Like many astrophotographers, Greg Redfern takes images of the night sky. But his unique view, from a ship on the ocean, lends a particular style to his images.

“I give astro-space lectures on cruise ships so I took my astrophotography passion with me to sea and the results have been quite gratifying,” Redfern wrote in an email to .

Redfern took this image of the Southern Cross on Feb. 17, 2016 while aboard the Azamara Quest in the Coral Sea-Great Barrier Reef. The image shows the Coal Sack, the Southern Cross, Eta Carinae and various young star clusters as well as the Milky Way. There are numerous dust streamers visible as well. [Exploring the Famous Southern Cross Constellation ]

The four main stars of the famous Southern Cross constellation are Acrux, Becrux, Gacrux, and Delta Crucis. Like the Big Dipper of the northern sky, the Southern Cross indicates the location of the pole  and as such is often utilized by navigators.

For this wide angle shot Redfern used a Nikon 14mm f/2.8 at a 13 second exposure at ISO 5000. And his images are dependent on sea conditions.

“If there is too much motion in the ocean I don’t even try to get a pic unless it is of the sea or clouds or weather,” he said.

Editor’s note: If you have an amazing skywatching photo you’d like to share it with and our news partners for a possible story or image gallery, please contact managing editor Tariq Malik at

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