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“A Beautiful Planet” in IMAX 3D
“A Beautiful Planet” is a stunning glimpse of Earth from space, bringing a heightened awareness of our planet—and the effects of humanity over time—as never seen before. See photos from the film here. THIS IMAGE: An awe-inspiring view of a sunrise from the International Space Station revealed in “A Beautiful Planet.”
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The View from Space
European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti photographs Earth from the Cupola onboard the International Space Station in “A Beautiful Planet.” Christoforetti and other astronauts share what the view is like, and how it affects them.
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IMAX in Space
NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren poses with the IMAX camera on the International Space Station used to help film “A Beautiful Planet.”
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Behind the Scenes
Narrator Jennifer Lawrence and Writer/Director Toni Myers run through the script for “A Beautiful Planet” while preparing to record the film’s narration.
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Going Outside
NASA Commander Barry (Butch) Willmore on a spacewalk to repair the exterior of the International Space Station. It’s almost 300 degrees F on the sun side of the space station and minus 275 degrees F in the shade.
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Bahama Beauty
The vivid colors of the Bahama reefs as seen in “A Beautiful Planet.”
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Cities at Night
The entire northeast of Canada, the United States and beyond as seen from the International Space Station.
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Earth’s Climate View
Earth’s climates can be seen from space. In this image, the great lakes of North America lie trapped in ice and snow.
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Typhoon Maysak
The 25-mile wide eye of Typhoon Maysak as seen from the International Space Station in “A Beautiful Planet.”
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A Blue Planet
An astronaut’s breathtaking view of Los Angeles, the California Coast and Central Valley from the International Space Station as witnessed in “A Beautiful Planet.”
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Looking Down
A view of Earth from the International Space Station as seen in the IMAX film “A Beautiful Planet.”
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Space Crops
A scene from the IMAX film A Beautiful Planet: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Kimiya Yui and NASA astronauts Kjell Lindgren and Scott Kelly sample space-grown lettuce from the Vegetable Production System (Veggie) on the International Space Station.
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Weight(less) Training
NASA Commander Terry Virts exercises on a treadmill on the International Space Station. The crew is required to exercise at least two hours every day.
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Meet the Cast
“A Beautiful Planet” takes you onboard the International Space Station. Shown here is its crew: (Top L-R) Expedition 42/43 crew, Russian Federal Space Agency (RSA) cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov, Alexander Samoukutyaev, Elena Serova, (Bottom L-R) NASA Commander Terry Virts, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, NASA Barry (Butch) Wilmore.
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Over Spain
A nighttime view of Spain and the Mediterranean as seen in the new IMAX film “A Beautiful Planet.” Narrated by Jennifer Lawrence and from IMAX Entertainment and director Toni Myers, A Beautiful Planet is a stunning glimpse of Earth from space, bringing a heightened awareness of our planet—and the effects of humanity over time—as never seen before.
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