'Futurama' Gang Coming Back in Live-Action Fan Film (Video)

'Futurama' Gang Coming Back in Live-Action Fan Film (Video)

Still from the trailer for “Fan-O-Rama,” a live-action “Futurama” fan film.

Credit: ‘Fan-O-Rama’ / Cinema Relics

Good news, everyone! The beloved animated series “Futurama” is getting a new life, sort of, via a live-action fan film.

“Futurama” inspired a passionate following during its tortuous seven-season TV run, which began on Fox in 1999 and, after several additional stops and starts, ended on Comedy Central in 2013 .

Many of the show’s fans still long for another comeback — and a few of them are actually making it happen. Dan Lanigan and his colleagues at the production company Cinema Relics are bringing Fry, Leela, Bender and the rest of the “Futurama” gang back in a self-funded film called “Fan-O-Rama .”

“No other show/movie/breakfast cereal offered the complex combination of characters, story, setting and creative breadth that would allow us to explore the uniqueness of the human condition and societal mores and social structures pertinent to our modern sensibilities while also featuring a creepy lobster-squid monster,” the team wrote in an FAQ , explaining why they embarked on the project.

The FAQ is worth reading in full, as it contains gems such as the following:

Q: Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves for twisting our beloved cartoon into this monstrosity?

A: Every day.

It’s unclear when the film will be finished, according to the FAQ. Until then, “Futurama” fans will just have to be content with the trailer, which can be seen on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfNRPKKF4qU

Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall  and Google+ . Follow us @Spacedotcom , Facebook  or Google+ . Originally published on Space.com .

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