JAXA President Monthly Regular Press Conference
Date and time: From 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. on November 9 (Wed), 2016
Venue: JAXA Tokyo Office Presentation Room (B1 floor)
MC: Yoshikazu Shoji, JAXA Public Affairs Department Director
Astronaut Onishi Returns
As you are well informed, on October 30 JAXA’ astronaut Takuya Onishi safely returned to Earth. At this moment he is on the post-landing rehabilitation period. Yesterday Onishi got back behind the wheel and has had little difficulty getting back to normal life. Back to 80 % are his own words. He feels that the recovery from microgravity to 80 % is relatively quick, yet the rest 20 % takes longer. However, he is very eager to report his missions and activity to the public, which is in order.
I would like to express my appreciation for the support of members of the media who covered his return at the landing point and TsUP control center on the outskirts of Moscow.
The 23rd APRSAF, Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum will be held next week in Manila, the Philippines. Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and JAXA will co-organize the conference in association with other Asia-Pacific space agencies. The objective of APRSAF is development of space technology and problem solving of the Region. I am attending this annual event in which a total of 37 countries and territories will participate. Among noteworthy facts about APRSAF-23 is that Cambodia, Mongolia and Iran from Asia, and Italy, Spain, Norway from Europe are taking part in it for the first time. Considering that they are added to the old party of the U.S., Russia, Germany, France, and the U.K., countries where space industry is well established, APRSAF has truly become an international platform. Natural disasters will be a focus item of the agenda, as they pose a common threat to the Pacific and South East Asia. Domestically, interagency and interorganizational efforts have been put forth, with a view to utilizing space technology to quickly respond to the damage. A number of APRSAF-23 sessions are devoted to this topic, which certainly will yield active discussion.
The theme of APRSAF-23 is “Building a Future through Space Science, Technology and Innovation”. Under the theme respectively pertinent topics will be discussed. One important subject is application of space technology in minimizing the harm that extreme natural events cause. Another is future expectations of space development in Asia. Last April, DIWATA-1, the first Pilipino microsatellite was deployed from Japanese KIBO experiment module aboard the International Space Station. An event for local and Japanese university students engaged in the development of DIWATA-1 is scheduled where JAXA’s astronaut Koichi Wakata will moderate and share the experience in space. Still another is an appeal of science to young generation. JAXA asked the countries of APRSAF for ideas for the physical experiments to be done by Astronaut Onishi on ISS. 5 test plans out of some 120 were actually carried out. Students who proposed green light project were invited to Japan to observe how their ideas took shape as Onishi was executing the tests. They were given rewards: Thai University students had the honor of meeting Thai Minister of Science and Technology and receiving his words of praise. Indonesian high school students were awarded with scholarship sponsored by the cities of their residence. JAXA is pleased to contribute to the growth of interest in space science and to see effort bear fruit among young people and communities of the APRSAF members.
JAXA’s Approach for the Environmental Issues
COP22, The 22nd UN Climate Change Conference is currently in session in Marrakech, Morocco. At the official side event of COP22, JAXA, with Japanese Ministry of Environment and National Institute for Environmental Studies will present the surveillance method of greenhouse gas and tropical forest through satellite operation. The IPCC, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will revise Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories in May, 2019. The Guidelines are updates of their 2006 version of greenhouse gas emission and removal estimates. In preparation for the 2019 Guidelines, JAXA, Japanese Ministry of Environment and National Institute for Environmental Studies have published “The Estimated Data Obtained by Ibuki (GOSAT) of Urban Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions through Human Activities”. The significance of this publication is that it shows potentials of earth orbiting satellite, be it GOSAT or any other, that obtaining estimate CO2 emission data through human activities from specific areas is now within reach. The application of the method that was used to compile the data, if adopted in the Guidelines, would provide an international platform of CO2 monitoring. It would be a data verification mechanism of report that each country currently submits to institutions such as the United Nations. Satellite Carbon observation will be on the agenda of the side event at COP22. Development of GOSAT-2, successor of GOSAT is underway. GOSAT-2 will provide heightened data accuracy.
* English translation is pending.
MHI Adopts JAXA’s “FaSTAR”
JAXA has had a licensing agreement with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. with regard to the use of “FaSTAR”, a numerical simulation tool that JAXA’s Aeronautical Technology Directorate has developed. “FaSTAR” outruns many other similar programs of numerical simulation analysis. Production of airplanes is an enormous undertaking that calls for very complex wind tunnel tests and repeated computer simulation for the best solution. It demands mind-boggling amounts of energy, time and cost. To an airplane maker, fast, precise calculate capacity is essential for efficient aerodynamic engineering. Just to cite a simple example to help our readers grasp the dynamics, calculation of one thousand cases of wing shape variation took almost one thousand days before, whereas the same calculation with “FaSTAR” is done in one and a half days. Now you see how “FaSTAR” will change the game of quality of work. “FaSTAR” is in use within JAXA, to figure out the best solution for D-SEND, a set of flight demonstrations of “low sonic boom design technology” and more. JAXA regards as its responsibility putting “FaSTAR” to good use.
HISHO to Conduct 2 Flight Tests
With its Weather-Eye (WEATHER-Endurance Aircraft Technology to Hold, Evade and Recover by Eye) technology, JAXA does research and development for technology that ensures aviation safety. HISHO, JAXA’s jet test bed based in Nagoya will conduct experiment in relation to Weather-Eye. Noise is always a common issue for urban dwellers. Even more so for Tokyoites as Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport) is increasing international departures and arrivals. Discussion to settle routes above the Metropolitan ensued. Application of HISHO test results is expected to ease the problem. Another major aviation issue is ice buildup on the lower surface of plane’s wings. JAXA is planning to test “Hybrid anti ice buildup system”, which is designed to efficiently remove ice accumulation.
The other purpose that HISHO flies for is the acquisition of airplane body strain distribution data. Striking the best balance of rigidity and weight saving is the aeronautical holy grail. Rigidity data of mid-flight aircraft are of great value. The results will be analyzed based on strain distribution with the optical fiber that JAXA develops. They will demonstrate actual change of strain distribution in midair. JAXA will conduct the experiment from November 7 to 14 and publish the report thereafter.
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