Kibo-ABC Member Countries’ News: Kibo-ABC Workshop at the 24th APRSAF, in India
Last Updated: December 14, 2017

The Kibo-ABC workshop was held on November 13 at the Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway, in Bangalore, India. It was organized under the Space Environment Utilization Working Group (SEUWG), and the 24th session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-24). Thirty-three participants from sixteen organizations in ten countries attended. While Kibo-ABC initiative members are continuing the monthly WEB meeting, this workshop also provides opportunities for face-to-face meetings.
Each member country reported their various activities since the last APRSAF, and spent a fair amount of time reporting on Asian Try Zero-G 2018 preparations, including how many proposals they received from domestic students, how they were screened, and the plans for the execution of real time experiments.
First, Japan/JAXA reported the preparation status of Asian Try Zero-G 2018 operation, including the flight item packing, astronaut training, and introduction of the selected proposals from Japanese high school students, who also had the chance to discuss their ideas with Astronaut Norishige Kanai . The students also joined JAXA’s open house event at Tsukuba Space Center.
Indonesia/LAPAN reported that they developed paper boomerangs through trial-and-error to fly in a limited room to simulate a Kibo cabin. They also prepared a guidance video to support astronauts for better understanding. The selected proposal was announced in their Science Festival and the prize was given by the Chairman of LAPAN.
As mentioned in previous KUOA news , Malaysia/ANGKASA reported that they gained expertise from specialists such as teachers from the Ministry of Education (MOE), researchers from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and experts from universities with experience in previous onboard Asian Try Zero-G experiments and Asian Parabolic Flight mission for their selection process. They also reported that Prize Giving Ceremony to the winner was conducted and presented by the Deputy Minister of MOSTI during closing ceremony of the National Space Challenge program at Kuala Lumpur.
Thailand is one of the most sophisticated countries in terms of outreach of space activities. NSTDA reported on the heavy media exposure of the winner of Asian Try Zero-G 2016. They then introduced the winner of Asian Try Zero-G 2018, who joined “Asian Try Zero-G Exhibition” at National Science Museum under Thailand Aviation and Space Festival, and enlightened the people of Thailand.
Singapore/SSTA reported that the number of proposals doubled from last time, which was their first opportunity to join the Asian Try Zero-G program. They also reported the media exposure of Asian Try Zero-G 2016, and the selection results of Asian Try Zero-G 2018 along with their preparation efforts. Finally they introduced their excellent plan to increase the participation of Singapore students through public awareness and outreach.
Vietnam/STI reported how calls for proposal were made, and the selection process for Asian Try Zero-G 2018. They also announced their future plans, emphasizing the importance of space science and technology. One such occasion is Space Talk, where exhibitions about achievements of space science are displayed.
After all of the reports were addressed, JAXA demonstrated the preliminary procedure for each experiment using items which are identical to those used on flights. The members then discussed the procedures for execution of the experiments.
The participating countries identified the difference from the original procedure and understood the rationale for the changes.
They also acknowledged that the duration of the on-orbit experiment was extended for Asian Try Zero-G 2018. Some flight items were prepared by the proposed countries, then modified by JAXA for space use.
All member countries agreed to conduct the space experiment successfully with the cooperation of all participating countries, to do more public relations activities about the outcome in each country, and to accumulate best practices for the improvement of the next Asian Try Zero-G.
Asian Try Zero-G 2018 will be conducted in February 2018, during Astronaut Norishige Kanai’s stay in International Space Station. Preparations for on-orbit experiments are in progress to execute the proposals from Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
* All photo credit: JAXA
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