July 20,2018
JAXA wind tunnel test result wins JSASS technology award
The JSASS technology award was presented to the “Acquisition and Publication of Transonic Wind Tunnel Test Data of the 80% Scaled NASA Common Research Model” that uses the JAXA “2m x 2m transonic wind tunnel.”
The award was given in recognition of the contributions that JAXA has acquired through highly accurate data on an 80% scale model of the NASA CRM (Common Research Model) using the 2m x 2m transonic wind tunneland then made the data available at the CFD workshop/APC (Aerodynamics Predication Challenge) in Japan. JAXA’s 2m x 2m transonic wind tunnel has been highly evaluated since its completion in 1960. The tunnel has been used for many aerospace development projects in Japan. Aerodynamic characteristics acquired in the tunnel using the “NASA CRM,” a global standard configuration of a transonic passenger transport, serve as precious data to improve Japan’s ability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These characteristics can be used by combining them with other global leading wind tunnel data, and they can also be compared with other notable worldwide CFD achievements.
These technological attainments are the result of JAXA’s efforts and data accumulation to improve the accuracy of the 2m x 2m transonic wind tunnel, hence we hope they will stay useful for the future.

NASA CRM installed in the 2m x 2m transonic wind tunnel
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