Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment – Attached Payload (SEDA-AP) discarded from ISS
Last Updated:
January 22, 2019
Finishing its mission, the Space Environment Data Acquisition Equipment (SEDA-AP), attached to the Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo) Exposed Facility (EF), was discarded on December 21, 2018 released from the ISS robotic arm.
The SEDA-AP had long time monitored neutrons, atomic oxygen (AO) and heavy ions showering from cosmic space, since August 2009, soon after the initial operation of the EF. Collected data for a long period of time are of great value for the world and will constitute a part of the important scientific asset for future spacecraft designing and low earth orbit activities.
One example of contribution of Japan’s own technologies concerns the identification of the acceleration mechanism of ion particles (charged particles) through neutron spectrum monitoring during periods of large-scale solar flare.
The SEDA-AP is now expected to gradually lower its orbital altitude and re-enter the atmosphere in a couple of years. We have confirmed that it would meet the space debris mitigation guidelines.
*All times are Japan Standard Time (JST)
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