Headquarters and Center Chief Counsel Contacts

General Counsel
Iris Lan

Deputy General Counsel
Christine Pham (Acting)

Director of Legal Operations
Bryan R. Diederich (Acting)

Associate General Counsel for Commercial and Intellectual Property Law Practice Group, Headquarters
Karen Reilley

Associate General Counsel for Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group, Headquarters
Scott Barber

Associate General Counsel for General Law Practice Group, Headquarters
Katie Spear

Associate General Counsel for International and Space Law Practice Group, Headquarters
Rebecca Bresnik

Agency Counsel for Ethics, Headquarters
Adam F. Greenstone

Director of the NASA Acquisition Integrity Program (Fraud Remedies) and the Agency Counsel for Acquisition Integrity, Headquarters
Monica Aquino-Thieman

Agency Counsel for Intellectual Property, Headquarters
Trenton Roche

Chief Counsel, Ames Research Center
Dan Hymer (Acting)

Chief Counsel, Armstrong Flight Research Center
Brett Swanson

Chief Counsel, Glenn Research Center
Callista M. Puchmeyer

Chief Counsel, Goddard Space Flight Center
Dave G. Barrett

Chief Counsel, Johnson Space Center
Randall T. Suratt (Acting)

Chief Counsel, Kennedy Space Center
Alex Vinson

Chief Counsel, Langley Research Center
Andrea Z. Warmbier

Chief Counsel, Marshall Space Flight Center
Pam A. Bourque

Chief Counsel, NASA Management Office at JPL
James T. Mahoney

Chief Counsel, NASA Shared Service Center
Ron Bald

Chief Counsel, Stennis Space Center
Ron Bald

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