Winners Named in NASA Space Tech Art Challenge

2 min read

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Artist concept depicting a novel aerospace concept: a long-winged plane with many rotors flying above the Martian landscape/Mars.
An illustration created by Luis Rivera Hernandez depicting his interpretation of the Mars Aerial and Ground Global Intelligent Explorer (MAGGIE), a novel aerospace concept study led by Ge-Cheng Zha with Coflow Jet, LLC

Space technology might look a bit different decades from now. The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program studies innovative, technically credible, advanced projects that could one day “change the possible” in aerospace. To help people understand what these innovations might look like, NIAC has turned to artists and graphic designers in a global contest to create posters to visualize future technologies under development.

The NASA Space Tech Art Challenge: Imagine Tomorrow received 480 entries from 39 countries. Nine submissions were awarded an even share of the $3,000 prize. The winning submissions from the following individuals depict what the technology might look like, and how and where the concepts might be used in future exploration.

  • Rizky Irawan, Indonesia
  • Luis Rivera, USA
  • Yi Cai, USA
  • Holly Pascal, USA
  • Beatriz Bronoski, Brazil
  • Matthew Turner, United Kingdom
  • Joseph Henney, USA
  • Bertrand Dano, USA
  • Hadley Nicole D., USA

The NASA Tournament Lab – part of the Prizes, Challenges, and Crowdsourcing program within the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate – managed the challenge. The NASA Tournament Lab facilitates crowdsourcing to tackle agency science and technology challenges, engaging the global community to seek new ideas and approaches that will ultimately benefit all of humanity. administered the challenge for NASA.

To learn more about NASA prizes and challenges opportunities, visit:


Last Updated

May 31, 2024

Loura Hall

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Space, astronomy and science