Nelson Morales (left), Janette C. Briones (center), and Azlin Biaggi-Labiosa at NASA Glenn Research Center’s Aerospace Communications Facility in October 2023.
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
Three employees from NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland have been chosen to receive awards that recognize the achievements of outstanding Hispanic engineers, scientists, and STEM professionals.
Janette C. Briones, Azlin Biaggi-Labiosa, and Nelson Morales will be presented with Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award Corporation (HENAAC) and Luminary awards during the Great Minds in STEM conference in Pasadena, California, held from Oct. 11 through 14.
Learn more about the NASA Glenn honorees and each of their recognitions:
Nelson Morales

Nelson Morales, chief of NASA Glenn’s Structural Mechanics Branch, has been chosen as a 2023 Luminary. This award recognizes Hispanic innovators who are engineering the future while lighting the way for the next generation of STEM leaders. Luminaries are chosen for their achievements leading, collaborating, and initiating key programs and research in their respective fields. “It’s an honor to receive this award because we want to be role models for the Hispanic community,” Morales said. “I am thankful for all of the people who have helped and supported me throughout the years and have made this possible.”
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
Janette C. Briones

Janette C. Briones, project manager and principal investigator for NASA Glenn’s Cognitive Communications Project, has received the 2023 HENAAC Professional Achievement I (Government) award. The HENAAC award recognizes leaders, innovators, and champions who contribute to the Hispanic community at the highest levels of academia, government, military, and corporate America. “It’s something that I wasn’t expecting; there are so many outstanding engineers,” Briones said of being chosen for the award. “I’m very grateful that I have received it, and I have worked hard for it.”
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
Azlin Biaggi-Labiosa

Azlin Biaggi-Labiosa, NASA Glenn’s manager for the Foundational Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Subproject, has received the 2023 HENAAC Outstanding Technical Achievement (Government) award. The HENAAC award recognizes leaders, innovators, and champions who contribute to the Hispanic community at the highest levels of academia, government, military, and corporate America. “It feels great to be honored and appreciated,” Biaggi-Labiosa said. “It validates all the work that I put in these 14 years [at NASA].”
Credit: NASA/Sara Lowthian-Hanna
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