3 min read
Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
Economic Benefits Study:
Development Plans:
- NASA Ames Development Plan – Dec 2002
- Environmental Issues and Management Plan
- US Fish and Wildlife Service Information Consultations on Proposed Development of NASA Ames Research Center
- Record of Decision
NASA Research Park Environmental Reports:
- Building 19 Lead, Asbestos, Mold Report – Feb 2002
- Lead Impacted Soil Summary – Jul 2002
- Lead Impacted Soil Sampling – Jan 2003
Environmental Management Division Public Documents:
- Historic Shenandoah District Development Plan
- Human Health Risk Assessment
- Mitigation Implementation and Monitoring Plan
- Transportation Demand and Management Plan
Environmental Impact Statement:
- NASA Research Park Environmental Impact Statement
- EIS Appendix A
- EIS Appendix B
- EIS Appendix C
- EIS Appendix D
- EIS Appendix E
- EIS Appendix F
- EIS Appendix G
RFP Housing Asbestos & Lead Based Paint Documents:
- Building 82 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 82 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 111 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 111 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 146 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 146 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 148 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 148 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 149 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 149 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 150 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 150 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 151 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 151 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 153 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 153 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 154 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 154 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 155 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 155 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 156 Asbestos Survey Report 2002
- Building 156 Asbestos Survey Report 2001
- Building 156 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 343 Bathroom Asbestos Survey Report 2010
- Building 343 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 459 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 459 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 512 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 512 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 512C Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 512C Lead Based Paint Survey Report
- Building 534 Asbestos Survey Report
- Building 534 Lead Based Paint Survey Report
FP Housing Misc Due Diligence Documents:
- Environmental Baseline Survey NASA Research Park Parcel 1
- Amendment 91-4A to Administrative Order
- Administrative Order for Remedial Design and Remedial Action
- Closure Letter for Underground Storage Tank 57
- Uniform Case Closure Letter, Former Underground Storage Tank 58
- Consent Decree, United States of America v. Intel Corporation and Raytheon Company
- NASA Moffett Federal Facility Agreement under CERCLA Section 120 between the EPA Region IX, the State of California, and NASA, d
- Amendment to the Federal Facility Agreement NAS Moffett Field under CERCLA Section 120 between the EPA, Navy, and the State of C
- Federal Facility Agreement
- Record of Decision, MEW Study Area June 1989
- Record of Decision Amendment for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway, Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman (MEW) Superfund Study Area, Mountain Vie
- Ames Procedural Requirements 8500.1 (Ames Environmental Procedural Requirements)
- Ames Procedural Requirements 8715.1, Chapter 20 (Fire Protection)
- Comprehensive Land Use Plan – Santa Clara County
- Housing Area Demolition List
- NASA Procedural Requirements 1600.1A (NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements)
- NASA Housing RFP Q&A issued 12-12-2017
- NASA Procedural Requirements 8820.2G (Facility Project Requirements)
- Tour Request Form
- Ames Procedural Requirements 8822.1 (NASA Research Park Design Review Program)
- RFP Housing Pre-Submission Tour Form
- Ames Policy Directive 8829.1 (Construction Permits)
- Environmental Baseline Survey Parcels 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, Harding ESE, October 3, 2001
- Ames Procedural Requirements 8829.1 (Construction Permit Process)
- Environmental Resources Document
- NASA Ames Design Review Program Requirements & Procedures
- Environmental Baseline Survey NASA Research Park Parcel 5
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