Archive | ESA


Introducing the Smile mission – Let’s Smile (episode 1)

Video: 00:06:45 Smile is the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer, a brand-new space mission currently in the making. It will study space weather and the interaction between the solar wind and Earth’s environment. Unique about Smile is that it will take the first X-ray images and videos of the solar wind slamming into Earth’s […]

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Expanding satellite broadband access to underserved areas across Europe

ESA is taking a significant step towards creating a more digitally inclusive Europe through a new partnership that will bring internet access to the hardest-to-reach areas. Reliable connectivity has become essential in today’s digital age, yet for many Europeans in rural villages, mountainous regions, and small islands, dependable internet access remains out of reach. To source

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Extreme heat weakens land’s power to absorb carbon

A new European Space Agency-backed study shows that the extreme heatwaves of 2023, which fuelled huge wildfires and severe droughts, also undermined the land’s capacity to soak up atmospheric carbon. This diminished carbon uptake drove atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to new highs, intensifying concerns about accelerating climate change. To source

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How we made history by landing on a comet

Video: 00:09:09 On 12 November 2014, after a ten-year journey through the Solar System and over 500 million kilometres from home, Rosetta’s lander Philae made space exploration history by touching down on a comet for the first time. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of this extraordinary feat, we celebrate by taking a look […]

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Philae’s extraordinary comet landing relived

On 12 November 2014, after a ten year journey through the Solar System and over 500 million kilometres from home, Rosetta’s lander Philae made space exploration history by touching down on a comet for the first time. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of this extraordinary feat, we celebrate Philae’s impressive achievements at Comet […]

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Hera burns towards Mars

ESA’s Hera mission has completed the first critical manoeuvre on its journey to the Didymos binary asteroid system since launch on 7 October. To source

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Space, astronomy and science