Archive | ESA

Seen from space: COVID-19 and the environment

Seen from space: COVID-19 and the environment

Video: 00:04:00 As the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives across the globe, Earth-observing satellites take the pulse of our planet from space. While the global lockdown has had a massive impact on daily life and the economy, there have been environmental benefits that are visible from space. How can we preserve these positives when returning […]

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ExoMars rover leaves Toulouse

ExoMars rover upgrades and parachute tests

The second ExoMars mission, scheduled for launch to the Red Planet in 2022, is taking advantage of the extra time to upgrade some of the rover’s instruments and get ready for the next parachute high-altitude drop tests. To source

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Earth from Space: San Francisco Bay

Earth from Space: San Francisco Bay

Video: 00:00:00 In this week’s edition of the Earth from Space programme, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission  takes us over San Francisco Bay in the US state of California.  See also San Francisco Bay  to download the image.  To source

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Magnetic north and the elongating blob

For some years now, scientists have been puzzling over why the north magnetic pole has been making a dash towards Siberia. Thanks, in part, to ESA’s Swarm satellite mission, scientists are now more confident in the theory that tussling magnetic blobs deep below Earth’s surface are at the root of this phenomenon. To source

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Sculpted by nature on Mars

Nature is a powerful sculptor – as shown in this image from ESA’s Mars Express, which portrays a heavily scarred, fractured martian landscape. This terrain was formed by intense and prolonged forces that acted upon Mars’ surface for hundreds of millions of years. To source

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Laser-powered rover to explore Moon’s dark shadows

A laser light shone through the dark could power robotic exploration of the most tantalising locations in our Solar System: the permanently-shadowed craters around the Moon’s poles, believed to be rich in water ice and other valuable materials. To source

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The discovery of Comet SWAN by solar-watcher SOHO

Currently crossing the skies above Earth, Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) has the potential to become a more prominent naked eye object by late May or early June. Yet it wasn’t discovered by someone looking up at the night sky. Instead, the person was looking at a computer screen. To source

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Expedition: Home

Video: 00:03:00 Are you ready to have fun with space at home? Explore Expedition Home, a one-stop shop for space-themed activities designed for kids and parents across three age ranges.  To source

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Space, astronomy and science