Archive | ESA


Swarm detects tidal signatures of our oceans

A study using data from ESA’s Swarm mission suggests that faint magnetic signatures created by Earth’s tides can help us determine magma distribution under the seabed and could even give us insights into long-term trends in global ocean temperatures and salinity. To source

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Malargüe: A satellite dish best served cold

A capacity increase by almost 80%! In late July 2024, the Malargüe deep-space communication station completed an important upgrade of its antenna feed that will allow missions to send much more data back to Earth. To source

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Hubble’s panoramic view of the Andromeda Galaxy

Hubble traces hidden history of the Andromeda Galaxy

The largest photomosaic of the Andromeda galaxy, assembled from NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observations, unveils hundreds of millions of stars. It took more than 10 years to collect data for this colorful portrait of our neighbouring galaxy and was created from more than 600 snapshots. This stunning, colourful mosaic captures the glow of 200 million […]

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EarthCARE goes live with data now available to all

With ESA’s EarthCARE satellite and four measuring instruments all working extremely well and fully commissioned, the mission’s ‘first level’ data stream is now freely available. By combining data from all four instruments, scientists ultimately aim to address a critical Earth science question: how do clouds and aerosols affect the heating and cooling of our atmosphere? […]

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The growing problem of space debris

Technological ‘to-do list’ to reach Zero Debris created

There is an increasing willingness in the space sector to tackle the problem of space debris . Yet much of the required technology to mitigate or prevent its risks is still missing. Preventing new debris, avoiding collisions and the timely clearance of satellites from orbit at their end-of-mission are complex challenges that each require a variety […]

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Space, astronomy and science