Archive | ESA


Forty years of European space tracking

Today, ESA celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Agency’s ground station network, the indispensable link to spacecraft that are helping us to learn about our planet, our Solar System and our Universe. To source

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New Norcia 3D

Human spaceflight and operations image of the week: ESA’s deep-space tracking station at New Norcia, Western Australia, in 3D #estrack40 To source

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Quake on the radar

The combination of two Sentinel-1A radar scans shows how the ground shifted as a result of Chile’s 16 September earthquake To source

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Hubble celebrates 19th anniversary with fountain of youth

Cosmic optical illusions

Space Science Image of the Week: This whirling mix of galaxy arms, bright cores and shining blue gas makes up Arp 194, a turbulent galaxy group in Ursa Major To source

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ExoMars 2016 targets March launch window

A problem recently discovered in two sensors in the propulsion system of the entry, descent and landing demonstrator module has prompted the recommendation to move the launch of the ExoMars 2016 mission, initially foreseen in January, to March, still within the launch window of early 2016. To source

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Contest winners

Congratulations to the top 10 and the three prize winners in ESA’s #Estrack40 audio contest To source

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Mississippi swampland

Earth observation image of the week: a Sentinel-2 image of Mississippi’s swamps, USA, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme To source

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Big Iron gets technology boost

ESA deploys ‘big iron’ to communicate with its deep-space missions: three 35 m-diameter dishes employing some of the world’s most advanced tracking technology. And it’s about to get a boost. ESA’s three Deep Space Antenna stations at New Norcia, Australia, Cebreros, Spain and Malargüe, Argentina, beam commands and receive data from spacecraft voyaging hundreds of […]

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Silver Play Button

We received a Silver Play Button to mark 100 000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. Of course we needed to make sure it was fit for space… To source

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Space, astronomy and science