Archive | Image of the day


South Africa From the Space Station's EarthKAM

The remotely controlled Sally Ride EarthKAM aboard the International Space Station snapped this striking photograph of South Africa on Feb. 9, 2016. The EarthKAM program allows students to request photographs of specific Earth features, which are taken by a special camera mounted on the space station when it passes over those features. To source

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Tilted Terminator

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this view of Saturn’s moon Enceladus that shows wrinkled plains that are remarkably youthful in appearance, being generally free of large impact craters. To source

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Swimming in Sculptor

Hubble Sees a Legion of Galaxies

Containing countless galaxies, this parallel field observation is nearly as deep as the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. When compared to other deep fields, it will help astronomers understand how similar the universe looks in different directions. To source

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Solar Eclipse Over the South Pacific Ocean

During the afternoon of March 9, 2016, a total solar eclipse was visible in parts of southeast Asia. An eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between Earth and the sun. The MODIS instrument on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured this image of the total solar eclipse moving across the south Pacific Ocean at 03:05 UTC […]

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Celebrating International Women's Day

On April 8, 2010, STS-131 mission specialists Stephanie Wilson of NASA, Naoko Yamazaki of JAXA, Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger of NASA, and Expedition 23 flight engineer Tracy Caldwell Dyson (top left) work at the robotics workstation on the International Space Station, in support of transfer operations using the station’s Canadarm2 robotic arm . To source

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Expedition 46 Landing

One-Year Crew Returns to Earth

The Soyuz TMA-18M spacecraft is seen as it lands with Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly of NASA and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov of Roscosmos near the town of Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 (Kazakh time). To source

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Last Sunrise From a Year in Space

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared a series of five sunrise photographs on Tuesday, March 1, 2016, as he prepared to depart the space station and return to Earth aboard a Soyuz TMA-18M spacecraft. Kelly and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Sergey Volkov are scheduled to undock their Soyuz at 8:02 p.m. EST and land at […]

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Blue bubble in Carina

Hubble's Blue Bubble

The distinctive blue bubble appearing to encircle WR 31a is a Wolf–Rayet nebula — an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Created when speedy stellar winds interact with the outer layers of hydrogen ejected by Wolf–Rayet stars, these nebulae are frequently ring-shaped or spherical. To source

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Space, astronomy and science