Archive | Kepler


Two NASA Goddard Earth Scientists Receive AGU Awards

3 min read Two NASA Goddard Earth Scientists Receive AGU Awards The American Geophysical Union (AGU) announced this month that two Earth scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, were receiving medals from the organization. Dr. Dalia Kirschbaum was awarded a Joanne Simpson Medal for Mid-Career Scientists, and Dr. John Bolten received […]

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NASA Funds Eight Studies to Protect Astronaut Health on Long Missions 

NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli works on microbe samples aboard the International Space Station. Studies newly funded by NASA’s Human Research Program aim to assess how astronauts adjust to spaceflight. Credit: NASA NASA is funding eight new studies aimed at better understanding how the human body reacts to spaceflight. These studies will be done on Earth […]

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NASA's Kepler Witnesses Vampire Star System Undergoing Super-Outburst

NASA’s Kepler spacecraft was designed to find exoplanets by looking for stars that dim as a planet crosses the star’s face. Fortuitously, the same design makes it ideal for spotting other objects that brighten or dim over time. A new search of Kepler archival data has uncovered an unusual super-outburst from a previously unknown dwarf […]

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