Archive | Solar system


Propulsion Systems

Since the first rocket engine test in 1964, our facility has performed development and certification testing of space propulsion systems for manned and unmanned spacecraft. Along with our half century of propulsion system testing and analysis, our ISO 9001 certified processes provide rigorous but flexible testing ensuring quality data for our customer. Our site also houses on-site […]

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Oxygen Systems

Specializing in the study of oxygen compatibility in space, aircraft, medical, and industrial applications, we investigate the effects of increased oxygen concentration on the ignition and burning of materials and components to help ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.In systems or environments with higher oxygen content and/or pressure, materials that normally do not burn have […]

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Machining And Fabrication

WSTF Staff White Sands Test Facility’s Machining and Fabrication craftsmen specialize in the prototype and production of parts used on the International Space Station, ground support equipment, and facility and test hardware.  We combine high-end Computer Numerical Control (CNC) precision machining and welding with experienced personnel and advanced inspection techniques and equipment to deliver the […]

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NASA WSTF Our calibration team supports mission critical testing for the International Space Station and other NASA space exploration efforts, and helps to safeguard the lives and equipment used in these high risk endeavors.  Calibration is a critical step for all instrumentation used in our testing and ensures that the data received from calibrated instruments is […]

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Materials Flight Acceptance

NASA WSTF Our Materials flight acceptance workforce performs NASA Technical Standard “Flammability, Offgassing, and Compatibility Requirements  and Test Procedures”, NASA-STD-6001 and related customized testing designed to verify space flight materials and system performance with a focus on ensuring safety during manned space flights. We always work with our customers to identify their root concern, making sure […]

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Propellants and Aerospace Fluids

Propellants and Aerospace Fluids

The safety and performance of hazardous propellant systems is a main focus at White Sands Test Facility. Our workforce conducts laboratory micro-analysis to full-scale field explosion tests. With the expertise we have developed, we provide training to the aerospace industry in the safe handling of various propellants.We also provide analysis of systems and operational safety, […]

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Space, astronomy and science