Tag Archives | image


A new satellite to understand how Earth is losing its cool

Following a rigorous selection process, ESA has selected a new satellite mission to fill in a critical missing piece of the climate jigsaw. By measuring radiation emitted by Earth into space, FORUM will provide new insight into the planet’s radiation budget and how it is controlled. To source

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In Magnetic test chamber

Magnetic simulation

Space Science Image of the Week: To accurately measure magnetic fields, Solar Orbiter underwent testing in a unique facility To source

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Not So Dead After All

Hubble Takes Closer Look at Not-So-'Dead' Neighbor

Because they lack stellar nurseries and contain mostly old stars, elliptical galaxies — Like Messier 110 — are often considered “dead” when compared to their spiral relatives. But scientists have spotted signs of a population of young, blue stars at Messier 110’s center, hinting that this neighbor of our Milky Way may not be so […]

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Clarence Strait

Earth observation image of the week: Copernicus Sentinel-2 takes us over a narrow body of water in Australia’s Northern Territory To source

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Earth from Space

In this week’s edition, discover Clarence Strait and part of Australia’s Northern Territory with Copernicus Sentinel-2 To source

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From clouds to craters

This beautiful view from ESA’s Mars Express stretches from the bright, cloud-covered north pole of Mars to the contrasting hues of the northern hemisphere and the cratered terrain in the south. To source

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Space, astronomy and science