Tag Archives | image


Preserving data

Through its Heritage Data Programme, ESA ensures the preservation and access to Earth observation satellite data for now and the future To source

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Vibration test in IABG

Hidden connections

Operations image of the week: Mission controllers will link up with ESA’s new Sun-observing satellite before it’s even left Earth To source

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ESA oversees teaching of Europe’s next top solderers

Satellites are among the most complex machines ever designed, but in key respects they are still hand-made. A set of ESA-approved training schools train and certify the best solderers in Europe, to ensure they have sufficient ability to work on electronic hardware for space missions. To source

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Space antenna

Human and robotic exploration image of the week: the steps to installing a new communications antenna for Columbus space laboratory To source

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Two-armed 3D printing

Technology image of the week: twin robotic arms work together to 3D print and mill a test version of the optical heart of ESA’s Athena X-ray observatory To source

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ESA boosts startup to the Moon

European Space Agency operations specialists are helping flight planners at new European space startup PTScientists , headquartered in Berlin, pilot their way to the Moon. PTScientists are planning to launch lunar landers and rovers as a regular service in the future, with an inaugural flight expected in 2020. To source

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ESA’s ‘Cubesat central’ for smaller missions into space

ESA has set up a dedicated unit to work on the standardised nanosatellites called ‘CubeSats’, teaming up with European companies to develop low-cost technology-testing missions. Missions in preparation include a double CubeSat to test rendezvous and docking techniques, and one to explore near-Earth asteroids. To source

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ESA and DLR in joint study to support deep space missions

An existing deep-space dish antenna at the DLR Weilheim site, near Munich, may offer an almost-readymade solution to the problem of providing sufficient ground station capacity to support ESA’s current and future deep-space exploration missions. Now and in the next few years, ESA is sending some of the most advanced spacecraft ever flown to exotic […]

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Forging the future

Where does ESA get its ideas from? One major source of new concepts is through our Discovery & Preparation activities, forming part of ESA’s Basic Activities. Working with and across all ESA programmes, from human spaceflight to Earth observation , Discovery & Preparation lays the groundwork for ESA’s nearer-term future activities. To source

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Space, astronomy and science