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Spaceship Concordia

Science for the benefit of space exploration does not only happen off planet. While some studies require the weightless isolation of the International Space Station, another location provides the right conditions for investigating the consequences of spaceflight, and it is right here on Earth. The 2018 crew of Concordia research station in Antarctica recently returned […]

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As above, so below – lunar rescue device tested underwater

With its rocky, sandy terrain and buoyant salt water, the bottom of the ocean floor has more in common with the lunar surface than you might imagine. That is why this week two members of NASA mission NEEMO 23 are testing ESA’s latest prototype to rescue astronauts on the Moon. To source

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Grown for 3D printing

Technology image of the week: this organically-styled part for an Ariane 5 has been 3D printed in metal as part of ESA’s R&D into future launcher technology To source

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OasISS reunion

Live on Friday from 18:00 CEST: join three astronauts as they look back on their Space Station mission and discuss the future of exploration To source

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Under the Keys

Human and robotic exploration image of the week: ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and fellow NEEMO crew strike a pose To source

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Earth and moon - size of planets, view from space

Honour the past, prepare for the future

ESA will join the world in celebrating the anniversary of the first human Moon landing this summer as European Space Talks  take on a lunar theme. Fifty years ago, people were inspired by space as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on the Moon. Now our plans to go forward to the Moon and […]

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Desert greenery

Marking World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over west Africa To source

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Space, astronomy and science