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Webb investigates a dusty and dynamic disc

Webb investigates a dusty and dynamic disc

This new NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope Picture of the Month  presents HH 30 in unprecedented detail. This target is an edge-on protoplanetary disc that is surrounded by jets and a disc wind, and is located in the dark cloud LDN 1551 in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.  To source

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60 days in bed for science

Video: 00:06:40 A group of volunteers is spending two months lying in bed—with their feet up and one shoulder always touching the mattress—even while eating, showering, and using the toilet. But why? This extreme bedrest study is helping scientists understand how space travel affects the human body and how to keep astronauts healthy on long […]

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Top 10 persistent methane sources

A list of the top 10 global regions where natural or anthropogenic sources emit methane on a continuous, ‘persistent’ basis was recently published in a scientific journal. To source

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ESA and European Commission to build quantum-secure space communications network

Today in Brussels, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission consolidated their cooperation on the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI), marking the successful conclusion of negotiations and clearing the way for development to begin. EuroQCI is an advanced network that aims to protect everything from personal data to Europe’s critical infrastructure, using proven principles […]

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Argonaut: a first European lunar lander

The European Space Agency (ESA) has signed a contract with Thales Alenia Space in Italy to lead European aerospace companies in building the Argonaut Lunar Descent Element, ESA’s first lunar lander. To source

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Space, astronomy and science