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ESA and Hisdesat set to launch next-generation secure communications satellite

Hisdesat, Spain’s premier provider of secure satellite communications, is set to launch its SpainSat Next Generation I (SNG I) satellite aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 29 January from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 20:34 EST (30 January at 02:34 CET). The European Space Agency (ESA)-supported satellite will provide more cost-effective, adaptable and secure communication […]

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Smouldering woody debris fuels air pollution over the Amazon

A groundbreaking study, funded by ESA, reveals that fire emissions in the Amazon and Cerrado are largely driven by the smouldering combustion of woody debris. This crucial discovery highlights the significant influence of fuel characteristics on fire emissions, with wide-ranging implications for global carbon cycles, air quality and biodiversity. To source

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The sounds of BepiColombo's sixth flight past Mercury

Video: 00:01:20 Listen to the ESA/JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft as it flew past Mercury on 8 January 2025. This sixth and final flyby used the little planet’s gravity to steer the spacecraft on course for entering orbit around Mercury in 2026.  What you can hear in the sonification soundtrack of this video are real spacecraft vibrations […]

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Earth from Space: Cyclone Dikeledi

Image: The Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission captured Cyclone Dikeledi south of Madagascar on 16 January, just a few days after it made landfall on Africa’s southeastern coast causing widespread destruction in several countries and islands. To source

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Estonia to host Europe's new space cybersecurity testing ground

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Estonian Space Office have set out to develop Europe’s newest space cyber range that aims to make space technology more secure and accessible for companies across Europe. Last year, Estonian industry was invited to submit proposals for concepts, and today the contract has been signed with a consortium […]

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Swarm detects tidal signatures of our oceans

A study using data from ESA’s Swarm mission suggests that faint magnetic signatures created by Earth’s tides can help us determine magma distribution under the seabed and could even give us insights into long-term trends in global ocean temperatures and salinity. To source

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Malargüe: A satellite dish best served cold

A capacity increase by almost 80%! In late July 2024, the Malargüe deep-space communication station completed an important upgrade of its antenna feed that will allow missions to send much more data back to Earth. To source

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Space, astronomy and science