Tag Archives | planethunt


Hi-C Rocket Experiment Achieves Never-Before-Seen Look at Solar Flares

4 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) The High-Resolution Coronal Imager, or Hi-C, launches aboard a Black Brant IX sounding rocket April 17 at Poker Flat Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska. NASA By Jessica Barnett  After months of preparation and years since its last flight, the upgraded High Resolution Coronal Imager […]

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Sols 4173-4174: Reflections

3 min read Sols 4173-4174: Reflections This image was taken by Left Navigation Camera onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4171 (2024-04-30 19:41:16 UTC). NASA/JPL-Caltech Earth planning date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 Today’s planning was a little out of the ordinary. Not in terms of the plan itself, Curiosity’s team built an exciting plan utilizing […]

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NASA Is Helping Protect Tigers, Jaguars, and Elephants. Here’s How.

Earth (ESD) Earth and Climate Explore Climate Change Science in Action Multimedia Data More For Researchers 5 Min Read NASA Is Helping Protect Tigers, Jaguars, and Elephants. Here’s How. NASA satellites are helping track tiger habitat, offering new insights for conservation as these predators face the consequences of habitat loss. Credits: Wildlife Conservation Society / […]

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ScienceCraft for Outer Planet Exploration (SCOPE)

2 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Artist’s depiction of ScienceCraft, which integrates the science instrument with the spacecraft by printing a quantum dot spectrometer directly on the solar sail to form a monolithic, lightweight structure. Mahmooda Sultana Mahmooda SultanaNASA Goddard Space Flight Center Missions to the outer solar system are […]

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Flexible Levitation on a Track (FLOAT)

3 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Artist concept of novel approach proposed by a 2024 NIAC Phase II awardee for possible future missions depicting lunar surface with planet Earth on the horizon. Credit: Ethan Schaler Ethan SchalerNASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory We want to build the first lunar railway system, which […]

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Radioisotope Thermoradiative Cell Power Generator

3 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Artist’s depiction of Radioisotope Thermoradiative Cell Power Generator Stephen Polly Stephen PollyRochester Institute of Technology In this project we will continue our Phase I efforts to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of a revolutionary power source for missions to the outer planets utilizing a […]

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The Great Observatory for Long Wavelengths (GO-LoW)

3 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Artist’s depiction of The Great Observatory for Long Wavelengths (GO-LoW) Mary Knapp Mary KnappMIT Humankind has never before seen the low frequency radio sky. It is hidden from ground-based telescopes by the Earth’s ionosphere and challenging to access from space with traditional missions because […]

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Pulsed Plasma Rocket (PPR): Shielded, Fast Transits for Humans to Mars

2 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Simplified image of the PPR system. Brianna Clements Brianna ClementsHowe Industries The future of a space-faring civilization will depend on the ability to move both cargo and humans efficiently and rapidly. Due to the extremely large distances that are involved in space travel, the […]

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Fluidic Telescope (FLUTE): Enabling the Next Generation of Large Space Observatories

3 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Artist’s depiction of the Fluidic Telescope (FLUTE) Edward Balaban Edward BalabanNASA ARC The future of space-based UV/optical/IR astronomy requires ever larger telescopes. The highest priority astrophysics targets, including Earth-like exoplanets, first generation stars, and early galaxies, are all extremely faint, which presents an ongoing […]

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NASA 3502607

NASA Sets Coverage for Boeing Starliner’s First Crewed Launch, Docking

Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft approaches the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams will launch aboard Starliner on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test. Credits: NASA NASA will provide live coverage of prelaunch and launch activities for the agency’s Boeing Crew Flight Test, which will carry […]

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The Horse’s Mane

Rising from turbulent waves of dust and gas is the Horsehead Nebula, otherwise known as Barnard 33, which resides roughly 1300 light-years away. The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has captured the sharpest infrared images to date of one of the most distinctive objects in our skies, the Horsehead Nebula. Webb’s new view focuses on the […]

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NASA Sets Coverage for Dragon Spacecraft Relocation on Space Station

The SpaceX Dragon crew spacecraft pictured from the International Space Station. Credit: NASA In preparation for the arrival of NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test, four crew members aboard the International Space Station will relocate the SpaceX Dragon crew spacecraft to a different docking port Thursday, May 2, to make way for Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft. NASA […]

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NASA-Led Study Provides New Global Accounting of Earth’s Rivers

5 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) The Colorado River supplies water to more than 40 million people as it snakes through seven U.S. states, including the part of southeastern Utah seen in this photo snapped by an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. The Colorado basin was identified in a […]

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Space, astronomy and science