The animation shows a series of 15 images of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko taken by NASA’s Kepler spacecraft, operating in its K2 mission, from Sept. 17 through Sept. 18. The comet is seen passing through Kepler’s field of view from top right to bottom left, as outlined by the diagonal strip. original
Tag Archives | planethunt
Steve Howell, Senior Research Scientist on Astrophysics: NASA in Silicon Valley Podcast
A conversation with Steve Howell, NASA Senior Research Scientist on astrophysics. original
Know Thy Star, Know Thy Planet
Astronomers confirm TRAPPIST-1 is a single star and validate that its three transiting planets are Earth-size. original
Rus Belikov and Eduardo Bendek: NASA in Silicon Valley Podcast
A conversation with Rus Belikov and Eduardo Bendek, senior research scientists at NASA’s Ames Research Center, working on next generation technology to directly image planets beyond the solar system. original
ESO Discovers Earth-Size Planet in Habitable Zone of Nearest Star
A newly discovered, roughly Earth-sized planet orbiting our nearest neighboring star might be habitable. original
Kepler Mission Manager Update: Photometer Update
The team has confirmed that the photometer responded as expected and began collecting data again on Tuesday, Aug. 2. original
Kepler Watches Stellar Dancers in the Pleiades Cluster
NASA’s Kepler space telescope has helped amass the most complete catalog of rotation periods for stars in a cluster original
Kepler Mission Manager Update: K2 Campaign 10
The team finds the photometer—the camera onboard the Kepler spacecraft—powered off. The photometer was turned on again and commanded to resume science operations. original
Astronomers Help Focus Research in the Search for Another Earth
Astronomers have catalogued the Kepler planet candidates that may be similar to our third rock from the sun. original
NASA’s Kepler Confirms 100+ Exoplanets During Its K2 Mission
An international team of astronomers has discovered and confirmed a treasure trove of new worlds using NASA’s Kepler spacecraft on its K2 mission. original
NASA's K2 Finds Newborn Exoplanet Around Young Star
Astronomers have discovered the youngest fully formed exoplanet ever detected. original
New Planet Is Largest Discovered That Orbits Two Suns
If you cast your eyes toward the constellation Cygnus, you’ll be looking in the direction of the largest planet yet discovered around a double-star system. It’s too faint to see with the naked eye, but a team led by astronomers from Goddard and San Diego State University, used NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope to identify the […]
Mission Manager Update: K2 Marches On
NASA has also announced today that its K2 mission is to continue science operations through the end of the FY19, by which time the on-board fuel is expected to be fully depleted. original