Tag Archives | science


Stack complete

The three spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission to Mercury are stacked together in launch configuration To source

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Frosted crater

Space Science Image of the Week: Bright carbon dioxide ice clings to the walls of a crater in the south polar region of Mars To source

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A smart crater

Space Science Image of the Week: ESA’s Moon-orbiting SMART-1 probe ended its mission on the Moon 12 years ago today, but its final resting place was only seen last year To source

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Footprints of water

Space Science Image of the Week: These crisscrossed lines trace the footprints of the Mars Express radar investigation that points to buried water To source

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Worth the wait

A taste of the transformative science that the James Webb Space Telescope will enable, from chasing down the Universe’s first galaxies to characterising exoplanets in solar systems beyond our own To source

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Multi-messenger science

ESA’s Integral satellite joined an international collaboration to find first evidence of the source of high-energy neutrinos: a flaring active galaxy or ‘blazar’ To source

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Image of ESO 325-G004

Cosmic Lens

Hubble proves Einstein correct on galactic scales, using a ‘cosmic magnifying lens’ to make the most precise test of general relativity yet outside the Milky Way To source

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Star shredded by rare breed of black hole

ESA’s XMM-Newton observatory has discovered the best-ever candidate for a very rare and elusive type of cosmic phenomenon: a medium-weight black hole in the process of tearing apart and feasting on a nearby star. To source

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Space, astronomy and science