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Comet cliffs

Space Science Image of the Week: The steep cliffs of the Hathor region pictured in a stunning view of Rosetta’s comet To source

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Venus has potential – but not for water

ESA’s Venus Express may have helped to explain the puzzling lack of water on Venus. The planet has a surprisingly strong electric field – the first time this has been measured at any planet – that is sufficient to deplete its upper atmosphere of oxygen, one of the components of water. To source

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Second ExoMars mission moves to next launch opportunity in 2020

On 14 March 2016, the Roscosmos State Corporation and the European Space Agency (ESA) launched the jointly-developed ExoMars 2016 interplanetary mission, comprising the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and the Schiaparelli lander, on a Proton rocket from Baikonur, thus marking the first phase in the European-Russian ExoMars cooperation programme. To source

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