Tag Archives | space.com

How to Use Mobile Apps to See the Solar System's Ice-Giant Planets

For the next several years, Uranus and Neptune will be conveniently positioned for observation during autumn and winter evenings. They are moving slowly in front of the stars in the constellations Pisces and Aquarius, respectively. These two distant planets are too small to locate without binoculars and telescopes. Sky-charting apps such as SkySafari 5 can […]

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Birth of the Bug: See How Artists Built the 'Starship Troopers' Alien Warrior (Video)

[embedded content] If you’re a fan of the 1997 sci-fi cult classic “Starship Troopers ,” Christmas just came a little early. The visual-effects company Amalgamated Dynamics Inc. (ADI) has released a nearly 6-minute video showing how its artists and technicians built a “warrior bug” for the film. “To celebrate the 20th anniversary of ‘Starship Troopers,’ […]

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What in the World? Flat-Earthers Gather at First Conference

Many flat-Earthers believe the Earth is a disc surrounded by an ice wall. A conference aimed at disputing the idea that the world is round just wrapped up in North Carolina. The first-ever 2017 Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) was held in Raleigh on Nov. 9 and 10, featuring some of the big names in […]

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The Sun's Sleepy Phase Is Surprisingly Consistent

Microwave telescopes observing the sun in 1957 (top) and today (bottom left) have given 60 years of data on radiation produced during the sun’s 11-year minimums. Sixty years of data reveal that, while the maximum level of solar activity can vary drastically, one measure indicates it always returns to the same quiet minimum. The sun […]

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NASA's New James Webb Space Telescope Just Got Its 1st Science Targets

NASA’s next-generation large-scale space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope , is set to train its eyes on the cosmos in 2019. This week, organizers revealed some of the first cosmic objects that the telescope will study.  The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), which manages the Webb program, announced Monday (Nov. 13) that it had […]

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Origami in Orbit: Ancient Art Inspires Efficient Spacecraft

The ancient art of origami has inspired designs for numerous pieces of hardware on NASA missions, allowing scientists to pack more technology into smaller space-bound packages. For example, the agency is working on a piece of hardware called Starshade , which looks like a massive sunflower and could be made compact using what’s known as […]

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Leonid meteors will appear to emanate from the constellation Leo. To see the meteor shower during its peak, look east in the predawn sky on Friday (Nov. 17).

See the 2017 Leonid Meteor Shower at Its Peak: What to Expect

The famous Leonid meteor shower is predicted to reach its peak in the predawn hours on Friday (Nov. 17). Weather permitting, observing conditions will be perfect: There’s a new moon on Saturday, which means that the sky will be dark with no hindrance whatsoever from moonlight.  But don’t expect to see a lot of meteors. […]

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Space, astronomy and science