Tag Archives | space.com

NASA's Deep Space Network: How Spacecraft Phone Home

The Deep Space Network is one of the facilities at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where many of the agency’s space missions are designed, built and operated. Long-distance phone calls have nothing on NASA’s Deep Space Network. Three stations scattered around the world make it possible to communicate with spacecraft as they journey through the solar […]

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Wow! Space Station Crosses Moon's Face Just Before Epic Lunar Eclipse (Photos)

NASA photographer Bill Ingalls captured this shot of the International Space Station transiting the full moon on Tuesday (Jan. 30) from Alexandria, Virginia.  A spectacular photo shows the International Space Station (ISS) crossing the face of the moon in the lead-up to Wednesday morning’s (Jan. 31) long-awaited “Super Blue Blood Moon” eclipse . NASA photographer […]

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Opportunity Mars Rover Wheels Past 14 Years of Exploration

Opportunity front Hazcam image taken on Sol 4979 (Jan. 25, 2018). NASA’s Opportunity Mars rover has now been exploring the Red Planet for more than 14 years. The robot landed in Meridiani Planum on the night of Jan. 24, 2004 (PST). (It was Jan. 25 in the GMT time zone, but Opportunity’s handlers work at […]

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Watch Blue Origin Fire Up Engine for Huge New Glenn Rocket (Video)

Latest BE-4 engine test footage where we exceeded our Isp targets. We continue to exercise the deep throttling of our full-scale 550,000 lbf BE-4, the reusability of our hydrostatic pump bearings and our stable start/stop cycles. More to follow from ongoing tests. #BE4 #NewGlenn pic.twitter.com/fw5zvtwpJ6 — Blue Origin (@blueorigin) January 8, 2018 All eyes are […]

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Reprint of NASA's Golden Record Takes Home a Grammy

A vinyl reprint of the Voyager Golden Record, which carries a greeting for extraterrestrials beyond the solar system, won a Grammy Award this past Sunday (Jan. 28).  The creators of the vinyl reprint took home the award for Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package. Produced by Ozma Records, the $98 special box set includes […]

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In Photos: The Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse of 2018

California, USA Credit: FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/Getty Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California Lancelin, Australia Credit: Paul Kane/Getty People with bicycles take photos of the Super moon in Lancelin, Australia. Houston, Texas Astrophotographer Sergio Garcia Rill captured this composite image of the Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31 over Houston, Texas. California, USA Credit: ROBYN […]

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Earth Observing System: Monitoring the Planet's Climate

NASA’s Terra satellite acquired this image of the major fires burning in Northern California’s wine country the morning of Oct. 12, 2017. NASA is well known for observating space, but the agency also has a strong hand in monitoring Earth. NASA’s Earth Observing System (EOS) is a collection of satellites designed to monitor and understand […]

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Elon Musk's SpaceX Rocket Family Photo Shows Falcon Heavy and Falcon 9

A new photo from SpaceX CEO Elon Musk shows the company’s new Falcon Heavy rocket on the launchpad as well as its Falcon 9, which successfully launched the GovSat-1 satellite today (Jan. 31). The Falcon Heavy is slated to launch Tuesday  (Feb. 6). GovSat-1 is a joint venture of the Luxembourg government and the satellite-operating company […]

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SpaceX Rocket Survives Experimental High-Thrust Landing at Sea (Photo)

This rocket was meant to test very high retrothrust landing in water so it didn’t hurt the droneship, but amazingly it has survived. We will try to tow it back to shore. pic.twitter.com/hipmgdnq16 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 31, 2018 SpaceX is now recovering its rockets without even really trying. One of the company’s two-stage […]

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Space, astronomy and science