Tag Archives | space


Hell On Earth: NASA Recreates Venus' Extreme Atmosphere

False-color view of cloud features on Venus taken by Europe’s now-defunct Venus Express spacecraft.Credit: ESA/MPS/DLR/IDA Scientists interested in studying Venus, as well as other extreme places in the solar system, now have an option besides expensive, one-off space missions. A new test rig at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio can replicate the planet’s lead-melting […]

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Tatooine-Like Planets with 2 Suns Need Perfect Ingredients to Form

An artist’s impression of Alpha Centauri, which involves two close-orbiting stars, with an Earth-mass planet in orbit around one. A third star orbits the close pair from a distance.Credit: ESO/L. Calçada/Nick Risinger (skysurvey.org ) Astronomers have long struggled with how young planets form around pairs of stars without destroying themselves, but new research suggests it […]

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NASA Wants to Use Hoverboard Tech to Control Tiny Satellites

California-based company Arx Pax has developed a hoverboard using “Magnetic Field Architecture” technology.Credit: Arx Pax It’s a vision of the future that may even have eluded Marty McFly: hoverboard tech in space. NASA wants to make this vision a reality, and soon. The space agency is teaming up with California-based company Arx Pax, which has […]

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MAVEN Using Stars To Study Mars' Atmosphere | Video

NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission is exploring the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere and using the light of stars to determine its composition. The mission hopes to better understand the history of water on Mars. Credit: NASA/GSFC To source

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The Prawn Nebula in close-up

Prawn Nebula View Offers Stunning Glimpse of 'Cosmic Recycling' (Video)

A new view of the Prawn Nebula shows “cosmic recycling” at work: Glowing clusters of newborn stars illuminate surrounding gas, expelled from an earlier stellar generation, which will eventually form into even newer stars. The 2.2-meter telescope at the European Southern Obsevatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile snapped a choice section of the reddish nebula […]

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Alien Oceans' Glint Could Reveal Habitable Water Worlds

This artist’s concept shows Kepler-62f, an exoplanet in the habitable zone of its host star, which is located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Researchers think Kepler-62f may be a “water world.”Credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech The bright glint of alien oceans may be visible from afar, allowing astronomers to flag potentially habitable exoplanets. As […]

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US Military Launches Advanced Tactical Communications Satellite Into Orbit

An unmanned Atlas V rocket carrying the U.S. Navy’s Mobile User Objective System 4 satellite (MUOS-4) launches into space from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in a pre-dawn liftoff on Sept. 2, 2015.Credit: United Launch Alliance The United States Navy launched an advanced new tactical communications satellite into orbit today (Sept. 2) to join […]

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[Project Topics] Hayabusa2 additional ion engine operation for Earth swing-by

Topics List Sep. 2, 2015 UpdatedHayabusa2 additional ion engine operation for Earth swing-by On Sept. 1 (Tue.) and 2 (Wed.), the ion engine of the Hayabusa2 was additionally operated in order to increase the orbit control accuracy for the Earth swing-by.The additional jet emission was completed as scheduled, and the ion engine was operated for […]

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One man and his robot

Technology image of the week: ESA’s head of telerobotics introducing the rover Andreas Mogensen will soon be operating from orbit To source

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Space, astronomy and science