Tag Archives | space


New Maps of Ceres Highlight Mysterious Bright Spots, Giant Mountain

A color-coded topographic map shows Occator crater on Ceres. Image released Sept. 30, 2015.Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA New maps of Ceres show the dwarf planet’s mysterious bright spots and huge, pyramid-shaped mountain in a new light. The new maps of Ceres  come courtesy of NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, which has been orbiting the heavily cratered dwarf planet since March. […]

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'The Martian' Stars Ask Real Astronauts About Life in Space (Video)

'The Martian' Stars Ask Real Astronauts About Life in Space (Video)

Real NASA astronauts just dropped a little spaceflight knowledge on the stars of the upcoming sci-fi film “The Martian,” from 250 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth. Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain and other actors from “The Martian” — as well as director Ridley Scott — got a chance to ask a few questions of Scott Kelly […]

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Apollo Panoramas: Moon Landings Go Wide in Crowdfunded Photo Book

In “Apollo: The Panoramas,” Mike Constantine presents his work digitally assembling stunning panoramas from individual photos taken by the Apollo astronauts on the moon.Credit: Moonpans via collectSPACE.com A new photo book about the Apollo moon landings provides a “wide look” at the lunar surface vistas that astronauts saw and captured on film more than 40 […]

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How to Spot the Asteroid Vesta in October's Night Sky

The giant asteroid Vesta, the brightest asteroid in the sky, will be very visible for the next two weeks. This image of Vesta was captured by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft in 2012.Credit: NASA The next two weeks provide an excellent opportunity to spot the brightest asteroid visible from EarthVesta — one of the best-known objects in […]

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Wine, Cheese … Rockets? France's Arianespace Lands in NYC

Scale models of the Ariane 5 rocket (right) and next-generation Ariane 6 rocket, near Times Square. Ariane 6 is set to make its first flight in 2020.Credit: Calla Cofield/Space.com NEW YORK — This past weekend (Sept. 26 and 27), New York City hosted the annual “Best of France” event, which aims to promote the country […]

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Lush Oasis to Arid Desert: How Our View of Mars Has Changed

The dusty-red sphere now called Mars has fascinated stargazers since the dawn of humanity, but Earthlings’ view of the planet has changed drastically over the years. Once thought of as a lush alien world teeming with life, it was later dismissed as an arid, desolate orb. But now, scientists have announced the Red Planet has long, […]

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'The Martian' Cast's Q&A With Space Station Crew | Video

‘The Martian’ Is Going To ‘Science The S**T Out Of’ Being Stranded | Trailer Parachute Failure Success! NASA Drop Tests Orion Capsule Over Arizona | Video Constellations, Planets And A Super Lunar Eclipse – Sept. 2015 Skywatching Video ‘Xombie’ Rocket Got Brains! Proves New Mars Landing System | Video ‘The Martian’ Cast’s Q&A With Space […]

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Inside 'The Martian': Movie's Sleek Spacesuits Explained

Matt Damon outfitted in his Mars surface spacesuit in the sci-fi film ”The Martian,” which hits theaters on Oct. 2, 2015.Credit: ™ and © 2015 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. The upcoming sci-fi film “The Martian” features many real-life technologies being developed to help put boots on the Red Planet, but the sleek spacesuits showcased […]

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Matt Damon in Space: Actor Hits Sci-Fi Trifecta with 'The Martian'

Matt Damon has become a Hollywood A-lister by taking on roles in big-budget action films and dramas, but could he become known for his science fiction work instead? This Friday is opening night of “The Martian,” which is the third major science fiction movie starring Damon in the last two years. In 2014, Damon played […]

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Space, astronomy and science