Tag Archives | space

Thirty Seconds To Mars Calls Space Station | Video

Solar System Built To Scale In Nevada Desert | Video

Thirty Seconds To Mars Calls Space Station | Video Moon Landings Faked? Filmmaker Says Not! | Video Battlestar Galactica Flight Simulator Can Spin Any Direction | Video Will Smith Says: After Earth, No Cars & No Beef | Exclusive Interview Video May The Force Be With The Star Wars Franchise | Video IMAX Hubble 3D: […]

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Jodie Foster Talks Elysium vs. District 9: Sci-Fi and Social Policy | Video

Solar System To Scale In the Desert: How They Did It | Video

Jodie Foster Talks Elysium vs. District 9: Sci-Fi and Social Policy | Video Space Trip With Leo DiCaprio Auctioned For $1.5 Million | Video Will Smith Says: After Earth, No Cars & No Beef | Exclusive Interview Video Rocket Company Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Documentary | Video Thirty Seconds To Mars Calls Space Station | […]

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You Have Goat to Be Kidding: Spot Capricornus, the Sea Goat

An unusual star pattern denoting an exceedingly unusual beast will be visible in the night sky this week — the sea goat. Step outside this week between 9 and 11 p.m. and look toward the south and you might get the impression that the sky is rather devoid of stars. This is especially true if […]

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The Crescent and the Ring: Moon Meets Saturn Tonight!

Look to the skies this week to see a crescent moon and Saturn pair off. John Nelson took this image of the moon on May 31, 2014.Credit: John Nelson If the weather is clear in your area this evening, you’ll have an opportunity to see two of the most popular objects to view through a […]

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How To Power A Martian Base | Video

The first Human base on Mars will most likely run on nuclear power.  The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator aboard the Curioisity rover is too small to generate the power needed to sustain the lives of many explorers. A larger system that NASA is working on is briefly explained by Lee Mason, an engineer at the Glenn […]

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ExoMars 2016 targets March launch window

A problem recently discovered in two sensors in the propulsion system of the entry, descent and landing demonstrator module has prompted the recommendation to move the launch of the ExoMars 2016 mission, initially foreseen in January, to March, still within the launch window of early 2016. To source

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Event Horizon Maelstrom

'The Martian' Director Ridley Scott Promotes NASA’s Mars Dreams | Video

RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU Rover Tracks: Being There – Controlling Missions on Mars Return to Jupiter The Expanding Danger of Space Debris: Fragmentation IMAX Hubble 3D: The Director’s Take – Exclusive Video Moon Base Baseball? Why Not! The Meaning of Apollo Target: The “Fuzzies” – Galaxies, Nebulae and Comets Ep.2: Land and Deliver Planning the […]

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Clear Skies Over the United States

On Sept. 17, 2015, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly captured images and video from the International Space Station during an early morning flyover of the United States. Sharing with his social media followers, Kelly wrote, “Clear skies over much of the USA today. #GoodMorning from @Space_Station! #YearInSpace.” To source

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Are We Alone? Survey Finds No Sign of Advanced Alien Civilizations

Sensitive new telescopes have searched for signs of advanced alien civilizations but haven’t found any.Credit: ASTRON Nearby galaxies in our universe show no signs of advanced alien civilizations — at least for now. A new study that examined the most promising galaxies we can see out of a collection of 100,000 found no signs of […]

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A Manned Mission to Mars Is Closer to Reality Than Ever: NASA Chief

A Manned Mission to Mars Is Closer to Reality Than Ever: NASA Chief

NASA is closer to putting boots on Mars than it’s ever been before, the space agency’s chief says. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, a former space shuttle commander, said he envisioned becoming the first person to explore Mars when he checked in for astronaut training at Houston’s Johnson Space Center in 1980. Back then, a crewed […]

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6 Months in Space, Astronaut Scott Kelly Misses Food, Outdoors and Loved Ones

On Sept. 6, 2015, astronaut Scott Kelly displayed his “boarding pass” for NASA’s Mars InSight MissionCredit: Scott Kelly (via Twitter as @StationCDRKelly) WASHINGTON – Halfway through his almost yearlong mission, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly spoke via satellite to an audience gathered at the National Press Club here about the things he is looking forward to, […]

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Space, astronomy and science