Tag Archives | space


Asteroid-Mining Plan Would Bake Water Out of Bagged-Up Space Rocks

An innovative plan to use “optical mining” is part of the Asteroid Provided In-Situ Supplies (Apis) concept — an ability to tap mega-amounts of water from space rocks to help establish valuable infrastructure in space.Credit: TransAstra PASADENA, Calif. — A new way to harvest asteroid resources is being eyed as a possible game changer for […]

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Contest winners

Congratulations to the top 10 and the three prize winners in ESA’s #Estrack40 audio contest To source

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Mississippi swampland

Earth observation image of the week: a Sentinel-2 image of Mississippi’s swamps, USA, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme To source

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[Project Topics] Upgraded H-IIA (H-IIA F29) launch on Nov. 24

Topics List Sep. 18, 2015 UpdatedUpgraded H-IIA (H-IIA F29) launch on Nov. 24 The launch of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No..29 (H-IIA F29) was set to be between 3:23 p.m. thru 5:07 p.m. on Nov. 24 (Tue.), 2015 (Japan Standard Time).Our achievement of developing an upgraded flagship launch vehicle for acquiring global-level launch capacity of […]

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Seeing Pluto's 'Ice-scapes' In A New Light | Video

Backlit by sunset over Pluto, NASA’s New Horizon’s probe captured rugged ~11,000ft (3,350m) mountains and wide glaciers of nitrogen ice. To quote Principal Investigator Alan Stern: “Pluto is surprisingly Earth-like…and no one predicted it.” (Full Story) Credit: Space.com/NASA/JHPL/SWRI/Edited by @SteveSpaleta To source

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Russia's Express AM8 Satellite Launch Aligns Capacity with Demand

A Russian Proton rocket launches the Express AM8 satellite from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.Credit: Roscosmos PARIS — The successful Proton launch Sept. 14 of the Express AM8 telecommunications satellite completes the most urgent fleet-replenishment requirements and puts Russia’s satellite bandwidth supply into a favorable balance with expected demand, Russia’s two satellite fleet operators said Sept. […]

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Learning From 'The Martian' – Matt Damon Talks Movies As Teaching Tools

Lead actor Matt Damon describes how Ridley Scott’s film – and Andy Weir’s book – can perk students’ curiosity, in this conversation with Space.com’s @DavidSkyBrody at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. Also discussed: inhabiting a snarky character, astronauts (and actors) on too much time away from home, and the search for water worlds in space. The […]

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Arrested in NASA Shirt, Ahmed Sets Internet Abuzz with #IStandWithAhmed

High-school freshman Ahmed Mohamed was arrested Monday for bringing a clock he built to school after it was mistaken for a bomb. Scientists, engineers and tech organizations have responded en masse with their support.Credit: The Dallas Morning News (via YouTube ) NASA, Obama, MIT and more hailed teenaged Ahmed Mohamed, who was arrested at school […]

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Big Iron gets technology boost

ESA deploys ‘big iron’ to communicate with its deep-space missions: three 35 m-diameter dishes employing some of the world’s most advanced tracking technology. And it’s about to get a boost. ESA’s three Deep Space Antenna stations at New Norcia, Australia, Cebreros, Spain and Malargüe, Argentina, beam commands and receive data from spacecraft voyaging hundreds of […]

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Space, astronomy and science