Tag Archives | space

Death-Diving Comet Plunges Into Sun | Video

Death-Diving Comet Plunges Into Sun | Video

STS-130: Mission Overview Rocket Restarts Engine In Flight, Lands Vertically Chandra: A Great Observatory Cassini – Saturn ESA’s eXperimental Vehicle The Herschel/Planck Mission Earth’s Diamond Ring Return with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Transforming the Shuttle Building Japan’s First Spaceship ESA’s Special Delivery SpaceX’s Dragon Flight Vision Last Moments of LCROSS – NASA Probes Hit Moon Constellation […]

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Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015: Full 'Blood Moon' Coverage

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse 2015: Full 'Blood Moon' Coverage

The moon passed through Earth’s shadow on Sunday, Sept. 27, in a dazzling total lunar eclipse during a perigee full moon, better known as a “supermoon.” ic ‘supermoon’ blood moon on Sept. 27, 2015. See Amazing Total Lunar Eclipse Photos by Skywatchers Supermoons occur when the moon reaches its full phase at or near the satellite’s […]

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Silver Play Button

We received a Silver Play Button to mark 100 000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. Of course we needed to make sure it was fit for space… To source

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Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy

Milky Way's Shy Dwarf Galaxy Neighbor Revealed in New View (Video)

Smaller and older than the Milky Way, and very close by, the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy is lurking right in plain sight, easy to miss. But studying the faint satellite galaxy is revealing more about how groups of stars form and evolve. Today (Sept. 16), the European Southern Observatory released a new image of the Sculptor […]

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Tonight's Waxing Crescent Moon: A Skywatching Tour

Starting with the waxing crescent moon tonight (Sept. 16), skywatchers with binoculars or small telescopes can spot the moon’s geographic features in vivid detail. Here’s how, and what to look out for. Over the course of the month, the moon cycles through new moon, to first quarter, to full moon, to last quarter and back […]

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NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Petrified Sand Dunes on Mars (Photo)

An August 2015 panorama from the Mars Curiosity rover, released in September, shows petrified sand dunes on Mount Sharp.Credit: Mars, curiosity, mount sharp, mars photos, mars surface, stimson, aeolis mons A sweeping new panorama from NASA’s Curiosity rover shows petrified sand dunes stretching across the jagged terrain of Mount Sharp on Mars. Curiosity’s science team […]

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Future Mars Explorers Could Live in Habitats That Build Themselves

A self-deployable habitat can save crews valuable time in setting up quarters on faraway locales like Mars.Credit: SHEE Project PASADENA, Calif. — Astronaut pioneers on the moon and Mars might live and work in cozy homes that build themselves. That’s the vision of the Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments (SHEE) project, which is developing domiciles […]

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[ISS / Japanese Experiment Module (KIBO)] JAXA Astronaut Activity Report, June 2015

JAXA Astronaut Activity Report, June, 2015 Last Updated: September 17, 2015 This is JAXA’s Japanese astronaut activity report for June, 2015. Astronaut Kimiya Yui continues training for his upcoming long-duration ISS mission Astronaut Kimiya Yui, who was assigned as a crew member for the Expedition 44/45 mission to the International Space Station (ISS), underwent training […]

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SOHO 3000

The international SOHO solar observatory has discovered its 3000th comet To source

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Drones Save Lives in Disasters, When They're Allowed to Fly (Op-Ed)

An unmanned aerial vehicle searches wreckage for survivors in Pearlington, Miss., following Hurricane Katrina. The vehicle was operated by the Safety Security Rescue Research Center, one of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers.Credit: Safety Security Rescue Research Center Robin Murphy directs the Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue at Texas A&M University. […]

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[ISS / Japanese Experiment Module (KIBO)] The Exposed Pallet (EP) of the HTV5 was reinstalled into KOUNOTORI's Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC).

The Exposed Pallet (EP) of the HTV5 was reinstalled into KOUNOTORI’s Unpressurized Logistics Carrier (ULC). Last Updated: September 16, 2015 After removed from the Kibo’s Exposed Facility(EF) by the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS), the Exposed Pallet (EP) was handed over to the station’s robotic arm (Space Station Remote Manipulator System: SSRMS). Then, the EP […]

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Space, astronomy and science