Tag Archives | space


Making Mars Exploration 'Smart and Cool': NASA and 'The Martian'

Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is stranded on Mars, in the new Ridley Scott movie, “The Martian.”Credit: Twentieth Century Fox In the history of Hollywood envisioning the future of space exploration, few, if any movies have come as close to NASA’s own goals at the time of their release as does “The Martian.” At a […]

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The Moon Hits a Cosmic Bull's Eye Tonight: How to See It

The moon will appear to eclipse the bright star Aldebaran on Friday, Sept. 4, 2015, in what astronomers call an occultation. Aldebaran is a bright star that forms the eye of the constellation Taurus, the Bull.Credit: Starry Night Software If you live in the eastern-third of the United States or southeast Canada and your local […]

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Sentinel-2 catches eye of algal storm

The Sentinel-2A satellite has been in orbit for only a matter of weeks, but new images of an algal bloom in the Baltic Sea show that it is already exceeding expectations. Built essentially as a land monitoring mission, Sentinel-2 will also certainly find its way into marine applications. To source

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If Greenland's Ice Melts, Sea Levels Rise 23 Feet | Video

Micro-sub Explores Buried Antarctic Lake Whillans | Video Remarkable Time-lapse of Pacific Northwest Land and Skies | Video The Painterly Mixing Of Aerosols In Our Atmosphere | Video The Clouds Are Lowering – Countering Climate Change? | Video Giga-Tons Of Ice Crawl Off Antarctica Astronauts To Train In Caves For Space Voyages | Video How […]

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Mission team ready for Galileo launch

When the next pair of Galileo satellites is boosted into orbit next Friday, a team of mission control experts in Darmstadt, Germany, will spring into action, working around the clock to bring the duo through their critical first days in space. To source

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Mars One 2025 settlement

'Citizen Mars' Web Series Features Would-Be Red-Planet Colonists

Artist’s concept of Mars One’s envisioned colony on the Red Planet.Credit: Bryan Versteeg/Mars One A new Web TV series follows the efforts of five people who hope to be among the first humans to set foot on Mars. The subjects of the new series, which is called “Citizen Mars” and airs on Engadget.com, aim to […]

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Flower Power: Giant 'Starshades' Prepped for Exoplanet Hunting

An artist’s depiction of a sunflower-shaped starshade that could help space telescopes find and characterize alien planets.Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech In an attempt to better characterize planets beyond the solar system, some scientists are turning to big, flower-shaped disks known as starshades. Intended to be used in space in combination with a separately flying telescope, a starshade […]

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Kirk's Kisses: Women of 'Star Trek' Featured in Kickstarter Campaign

A new illustrated book, “Ladies of Kirk,” features drawings and descriptions of the many women encountered (and kissed) by Capt. James T. Kirk on “Star Trek.”Credit: Kelley McMorris/Kickstarter A famed “Star Trek” captain’s romantic conquests have come to life in a new illustrated book. The new book showcases all the women Capt. James T. Kirk […]

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New arrivals

Watch the replay of ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, commander Sergei Volkov and Aidyn Aimbetov opening the hatch to the International Space Station after a two-day flight in space To source

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Space, astronomy and science