Space science image of the week: Intricate dust lanes are revealed in this far-infrared view of the constellation Carina To source

Space science image of the week: Intricate dust lanes are revealed in this far-infrared view of the constellation Carina To source
Our week through the lens: 13-17 July 2015 To source
Watch the replay of the full MSG-4 launch coverage from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on 15 July To source
Free-Space PADLES experiment conducted Last Updated: July 14, 2015 The first Free-Space PADLES experiment intended to investigate the space radiation dose outside the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” was conducted from June 1-15, 2015. PADLES will be shipped to the JAXA Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC) for analysis after its return to earth. During this technology demonstration […]
NASA will provide comprehensive television, Internet and social media coverage this week of the agency’s New Horizons spacecraft historic July 14 flyby of Pluto. The time for the flyby preview news briefing on NASA Television Monday, July 13 has moved up 30 minutes, and now will start at 10:30 a.m. EDT. To source
Telecom satellites are set to enter a new age, as ESA, Eutelsat and Airbus Defence & Space begin designing the most flexible payload ever. To source
An instrument that will explore the surface of a primitive asteroid in search of water and organic materials has arrived at Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Denver for installation onto NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission. To source
This image, based on housekeeping data from ESA’s Gaia satellite, is no ordinary depiction of the heavens. While the image portrays the outline of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, and of its neighbouring Magellanic Clouds, it was obtained in a rather unusual way. To source
First blog post by Jan Woerner, on taking up duty as ESA Director General To source
Telescopes around the globe recently homed in on one point in the sky, observing the paired Didymos asteroids – the target for ESA’s proposed Asteroid Impact Mission. The 800 m-diameter main body is orbited by a 170 m moon, informally dubbed Didymoon. The duo were more favourably placed from March until early June for studies. To […]
Our week through the lens: 22-26 June 2015 To source
As matter is pulled toward a rotating black hole, it reaches an area where all must spin in roughly the same direction. NASA astrophysicist Jeremy Schnittman has discovered certain orbits where a form of dark matter called Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS) is mostly likely to collide, creating a burst of gamma rays, and thus […]
Watch the replay of the full Sentinel-2A launch coverage from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on 23 June To source