Tag Archives | space


Construction of Giant Telescope Pushes on Despite Protests

Artist’s concept of the Thirty Meter Telescope atop the volcanic peak of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The construction phase of the TMT project officially kicked off in October 2014; the telescope should achieve “first light” in 2022, if all goes according to plan.Credit: Courtesy TMT International Observatory The group building a huge telescope on Hawaii’s […]

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Want to Go Stargazing? Know the Stars of Early Summer

Early summer is an “in-between” time in the skies. The realm of the galaxies has moved off to the west, but the summer Milky Way has not yet arrived. This is the best time of year to observe globular clusters and double stars. The centerpiece of the early summer constellations is Boötes, the herdsman, with […]

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Astronaut Spies Menacing Tropical Storm Bill from Space

This photo, taken by NASA astronaut Scott Kelly from the International Space Station, shows Tropical Storm Bill in the Gulf of Mexico on June 15, 2015.Credit: Scott Kelly/NASA Tropical Storm Bill lurks menacingly near the coast of Texas in a photo taken from space yesterday (June 15). The image was captured from the International Space […]

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Methane in Mars Meteorites Suggests Possibility of Life

Meteorites from Mars found on Earth have traces of methane, adding weight to the idea that life could live off methane on the Red Planet, scientists say. But the methane detection alone is not proof that life exists on Mars now or in the past, they add.Credit: Image by Michael Helfenbein Methane, a potential sign […]

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In NASA First, Cubesats Headed to Mars with InSight Lander

JPL engineers Joel Steinkraus and Farah Alibay display a full-scale mechanical mock-up of a MarCO 6U cubesat.Credit: JPL WASHINGTON — Two tiny cubesats, the first NASA plans to send to another planet, will keep watch on the agency’s InSight mission as it descends to the Martian surface in September 2016, an agency official said June 9. […]

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One Month from Pluto, NASA Probe Sees Dwarf Planet's Many Faces

The many “faces” of Pluto are visible in new images by NASA’s New Horizon’s probe, which is only one month away from the first-ever close encounter with the dwarf planet. This week, NASA released what it called “the best views ever obtained of the Pluto system” taken by New Horizons, which will make its closest […]

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Sampit, Indonesia

Earth observation image of the week: a Sentinel-1A image of the Indonesian island of Borneo, also featured on the Earth from Space video programme To source

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'Celestial Butterfly' Nebula Spreads Its Wings in Photos, Video

A cosmic butterfly of a nebula is undergoing a stunning metamorphosis in space, according to new images from a telescope in Chile. The celestial view, captured by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, is actually the result of dust spit out of a dying star that is then shaped by a stellar companion to […]

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Space, astronomy and science