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Sentinel-2C captures stunning glimpse of the Moon

Image: On 20 September, the Copernicus Sentinel-2C satellite captured its first stunning image of the Moon, achieved by rolling the satellite sideways in a unique manoeuvre. Although Sentinel-2C is primarily designed for Earth observation, this image – intended for calibration and cross-mission comparisons – exceeded expectations. To source

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Turbulence in the Sun’s corona

Video: 00:00:29 Solar wind is a never-ending stream of charged particles coming from the Sun. Rather than a constant breeze, this wind is rather gusty. As solar wind particles travel through space, they interact with the Sun’s variable magnetic field, creating chaotic and fluctuating motion known as turbulence. This video confirms something long suspected: the […]

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Galaxy GS-NDG-9422

Webb finds potential missing link to first stars

Looking deep into the early Universe with the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have found something unprecedented: a galaxy with an odd light signature, which they attribute to its gas outshining its stars. To source

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Draco mission made for destruction

Over the nearly 70 years of spaceflight, about 10 000 intact satellites and rocket bodies have reentered the atmosphere with many more to follow. Yet for such a ubiquitous event, we still lack a clear view on what actually happens to a satellite during its fiery last moments. ESA is preparing the Destructive Reentry Assessment […]

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Hera planetary defence mission: solving asteroid mysteries

Video: 00:03:12 There’s a mystery out there in deep space – and solving it will make Earth safer. That’s why the European Space Agency’s Hera mission is taking shape – to go where one particular spacecraft has gone before. On 26 September 2022, moving at 6.1 km/s, NASA’s DART spacecraft crashed into the Dimorphos asteroid. […]

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Sentinel-1B journeys back to Earth

The Sentinel-1B satellite, the second satellite of the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, completed its disposal process – which included lowering its orbit and passivating its systems to ensure re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere within 25 years. This careful operation highlights the European Union’s and ESA’s commitment to space safety and sustainability and provides valuable experience for the […]

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XRISM unveils black hole and supernova remnant surroundings

XRISM  revealed the structure, motion and temperature of the material around a supermassive black hole and in a supernova remnant in unprecedented detail. Astronomers presented the first scientific results of the new X-ray telescope today, less than a year after the telescope’s launch . To source

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Sentinel-2C to Vega and orbit – fit-check to liftoff timelapse

Video: 00:03:02 From the arrival of Earth-obversation satellite Sentinel-2C in July 2024 and the first fit-check  to launch on the from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, this timelapse shows how the third Sentinel 2 satellite was prepared for launch. The last Vega  rocket, flight VV24, lifted off on 5 September at 03:50 CEST (4 September 22:50 […]

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Space, astronomy and science