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First results from the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

New evidence of the impact of the recent planet-encompassing dust storm on water in the atmosphere, and a surprising lack of methane, are among the scientific highlights of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter’s first year in orbit. To source

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Cold fire

Technology image of the week: Cold plasma tested aboard the International Space Station is now being harnessed against drug-resistant bacteria To source

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European quantum communications network takes shape

Today’s interconnected world is ever more vulnerable to cyberattacks, emphasising the importance of secure encryption to protect Europe’s critical infrastructure and communications. An agreement forged today between the European Commission and the European Space Agency marks the first steps towards creating a highly secure, pan-European quantum communication infrastructure. To source

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ESA Impact 2019

Quarter 1 is now online. Browse the stunning images and videos of our activities so far this year To source

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Glaciers lose nine trillion tonnes of ice in half a century

When we think of climate change, one of the first things to come to mind is melting polar ice. However, ice loss isn’t just restricted to the polar regions. According to research published today, glaciers around the world have lost well over 9000 gigatonnes (nine trillion tonnes) of ice since 1961, raising sea level by […]

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Stargazing technology used to spot cancer

An X-ray machine which uses space technology to generate crystal clear images that doctors can use to detect the early signs of cancer has been prioritised for €1.2m of funding by the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency. To source

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Music for space

Music has long been known to affect people’s mood. A certain tune can lift you up or bring you to tears, make you focus, relax or even run faster. Now a study is investigating how the power of music may improve human performance in one of the most stressful and alien environments we know – […]

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Space, astronomy and science