Tag Archives | image


Where missions start

Technology image of the week: ESA’s Concurrent Design Facility, the cradle of future space missions, is celebrating its 20th birthday To source

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Self-driving rovers tested in Mars-like Morocco

Robots invaded the Sahara Desert for Europe’s largest rover field test, taking place in a Mars-like part of Morocco. For two weeks three rovers and more than 40 engineers tested automated navigation systems at up to five different sites. To source

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It's cold inside

Human and robotic exploration image of the week: Space Station freezer features in a holiday tradition To source

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ESA paves way for new space transport services

Imagine moving satellites to higher orbits, collecting space debris, and dedicated launches for small satellites. These are the winning entries of ESA’s call for ideas on new commercial space transportation services. To source

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ESA’s 25 years of telecom: looking to the horizon

As ESA’s umbrella programme for telecom, ARTES, celebrates its 25th year, we have examined why it was set up, how it and the European satcom environment have evolved, and the opportunities and challenges that both face today. In this final instalment, we look at what the future holds. To source

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115 Years of Flight

For most of human history, we mortals have dreamed of taking to the skies. Then, 115 years ago on on December 17, 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved the impossbile. To source

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Gaming with Galileo: new Android smartphone apps published

Use Europe’s satellite navigation system to seek treasure in virtual mazes or ‘see’ Galileos as they cross the sky above you: two new Android smartphone apps based on Galileo are now available for general download, the results of a competition by ESA trainees. To source

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Evergreen comet

Comet 46P/Wirtanen, the original target of ESA’s Rosetta mission, is visiting our skies this December To source

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Space, astronomy and science