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December comet brings back Rosetta memories

A special visitor is crossing the sky: Comet 46P/Wirtanen, sighted with telescopes and binoculars in recent weeks, is on the way to its closest approach to Earth this weekend, when it might become visible to the naked eye. To source

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The Universe of Gaia

A taste of the exciting science that is being performed using data from ESA’s Gaia star surveyor, delving into the formation history of our Milky Way To source

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A space playground for the fourth state of matter

A recipe to understand atomic structures: Mix electrically-charged gas in a sealed container with particles so small they would pass through a coffee filter. Perform in the weightless environment of the International Space Station. Adjust voltage to observe how the particles form three-dimensional crystal structures. Start unlocking the physics behind the atoms’ behaviour.  To source

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New and improved ESA Kids website

New and improved ESA Kids website

The ESA Education office is proud to launch the new and improved ESA Kids website , the online home of Paxi, the ESA Education mascot. With the new design and organisation, ESA Kids is the one-stop shop for all space-related information, resources, multimedia, and activities for children. The ESA Kids platform has a new look […]

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An astronaut returns to Earth

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst will return to Earth alongside NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev on 20 December. After more than six months living and working on the International Space Station, their Soyuz is expected to touch down in Kazakhstan at around 05:06 GMT (06:06 CET). To source

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Smart silicon

Technology image of the week: multiple integrated circuits destined for the brains of Europe’s future space missions To source

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Space, astronomy and science