Since science operations began in May 2009, the Kepler team has released two catalogs of transiting planet candidates. original
Tag Archives | space
Mini Planetary System
This artist’s concept depicts an itsy bitsy planetary system – so compact, in fact, that it’s more like Jupiter and its moons than a star and its planets. Astronomers using data from NASA’s Kepler mission and ground-based telescopes recently confirmed that the system, KOI-961, hosts the three smallest exoplanets known so far to orbit a […]
Latest Photos from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
PREVIOUS | NEXT 1 of 58 NASA’s Next Mars Probe Takes Aim at Red Planet Credit: NASA. NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a powerful spacecraft that launched in 2005 and arrived in orbit around the Red Planet a year later. See amazing…Read More » photos from the MRO mission here in this gallery. Less « […]

How Lunar Eclipses Work (Infographic)
Editor’s note: The next lunar eclipse will be a total lunar eclipse on Sept. 27, 2015. It will occur while the moon is at perigee, making it a rare Supermoon Blood Moon lunar eclipse . Such an event won’t happen again until 2033. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes completely beneath Earth’s […]
NASA Completes Orion Spacecraft Parachute Testing In Arizona
NASA this week completed the first in a series of flight-like parachute tests for the agency’s Orion spacecraft. To source

Top 10 Perseid Meteor Shower Facts
<div class=”multiPageItem slideContainer” data-cycle-pager-template=” Intro ” readability=”38.191640378549″> Perseids From the Sky Credit: NASA/MSFC/D. Moser, NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office Every August, the night sky is peppered with little bits of comet debris in what we call the annual Perseid meteor shower . In 2016, the Perseids will peak on Aug. 12 and 13, with up to […]
Mars Illusion Photos: The 'Face on Mars' and Other Martian Tricks
PREVIOUS | NEXT 1 of 20 The Face on Mars Credit: NASA Mars is a weird place, and has long been a source of optical illusions. Here: You see the famed Face on Mars, as seen by NASA’s Viking spacecraft in 1976.…Read More » But wait, there’s more. Click through to see more photos of […]
NASA's Kepler Mission Discovers Its First Rocky Planet
NASA’s Kepler mission confirmed the discovery of its first rocky planet, named Kepler-10b. Measuring 1.4 times the size of Earth, it is the smallest planet ever discovered outside our solar system. To source

Solar System Facts: A Guide to Things Orbiting Our Sun
Our solar system is a vast place, with lots of mostly empty space between planets. But out there are comets, asteroids and more rocky, frozen objects (including dwarf planets) yet to be discovered in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud.Credit: NASA The solar system is made up of the sun and everything that orbits around […]
NASA Astronaut John Grunsfeld, Instrumental to Hubble Telescope Repair, Will Help Oversee its Science Operations
NASA astronaut John Grunsfeld, who participated in three spaceflights to service the Hubble Space Telescope, is leaving the agency to become the deputy director of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. To source
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Kepler's Primary Mirror
Technicians from Ball Aerospace inspected the honeycomb structure of the Kepler Space Telescope’s primary mirror. The mirror has been 86% light-weighted; that is, it only weighs 14% of amount that a solid mirror of the same dimensions would. The mirror blank was made by Corning Glass works out of ultra-low expansion glass, or ULE. original
Delta Soars
Delta Soars original